Should We Really Have a Prenup? (Part 1)

I’m very pleased to report that my newest article on prenups, “Should We Really Have a Prenup? (Part I) is now live. (See link below.) I wrote it for Brian Page, who posted it on his wonderful website Modern Husbands. It’s basically a summary of part of the podcast we taped in late September for his Modern Husbands Podcast Series. The podcast in which he interviews me and my views on the dangers and opportunities of prenups is entitled “Money, Marriage and Prenups.” You will be able to hear (and see) it on on November 9. #prenups #moneyandmarriage#healthyprenups

My basic message is this.

Use a prenup sparingly. Prenups are not usually suitable for first marriages of relatively young people with no children.

When used, be careful about the method. Starting with lawyers is not usually a good idea.

A better way to view a prenup would be as a financial plan that will protect the marriage itself and help it thrive, not just a plan that will benefit one spouse to the detriment of the other.

Start with mediation. A good way to begin the process of exploring a prenup is to use a mediator (generally a lawyer/mediator). The mediator will facilitate open discussions with you and your future spouse about your post-marriage finances and property rights.

When you’re done, the prenup should feel good to both of you, not just one of you.

To read the article, here’s a link to it on Brian Page’s Modern Husbands website.  Part II and Part III t0 follow (someday).